It seems like everywhere you look these days you’re confronted by another fad diet or health craze sweeping the fitness industry. There are always companies promising you a fast weight loss, just as long as you sign your soul over to the newest name in fit-fluencing.
You should never feel like you have to strive for those celebrity bodies that you see plastered everywhere. These people have every resource at their fingertips and you have real life to contend with, so you don’t have to compete. But also, there’s no reason not to better yourself, as long as you’re doing it for the right reasons.
This guide offers a 30-day fat loss challenge to condense all the confusing information shared online into an easy-to-follow program. The challenge is designed to set you off on the right foot for a longer fitness journey. But there’s no harm in testing yourself first to see how much progress you can really make in just 30 days.
When it comes to committing to a fitness routine, you should be in it for the long haul. Thirty days is a great amount of time to build healthy habits and get motivated by your own progress. But there’s a limit to how much fat loss you’ll see in four short weeks.
Make sure that your goals are realistic, and your weight loss is healthy. See this time as a chance to condition yourself to having a healthier but sustainable lifestyle. Expect to see change, but just imagine how much more change you’ll see if this journey is continued for the rest of the year.
Don’t fall into the trick of quick fixes that the diet industry claims will work for you. Everybody’s journeys are different and you get what you put in. With that said, this guide is more than a good place to start. So what are you waiting for?
30 Day Weight Loss Challenge
In this guide, you will find daily workouts, health tips, and productive activities to get you on the right path to losing weight. But, this isn’t all you should be doing.
There are some things you need to keep in mind during this 30-day stint. So keep reading to make sure you’re integrating these habits into every single day of your four-week challenge.
Get Specific With Calories
You can spend hours on the treadmill, lift heavy in the gym, and avoid every carb under the sun (although we DON’T recommend it). But the only way you’ll lose body fat is by burning more calories than you consume. Energy in versus energy out. Simple, right?
The most efficient way to do this is by eating in a calorie deficit. A healthy, daily deficit to be in for efficient fat loss is around 300 to 500 calories. Aim to remain in this deficit for all 30 days of the challenge for the best results. We also know these numbers can be hard to calculate, but figuring out your basal metabolic rate is a good place to start. Don’t worry, there are tons of online systems that will help you with this.
Keeping track of the calories you eat is a whole different kettle of fish. But there are also things you can do to make it easier. Apps like myfitnesspal are great for finding out the calorie content of common foods and even from restaurant chain menus. But when in doubt, simply try cutting out one unhealthy snack, or foods with added sugar from your daily diet and this should reduce your calorie intake already.
Of course, increasing your activity level and doing exercise will also help your calorie deficit on its way. But our guide is designed to get you moving, training. and progressing already, so you focus on nutrition in your own time. Although, our planned workout routines are not the only movement you should be doing for this fat loss challenge.
Focus on Increasing Your NEAT
NEAT, otherwise known as non-exercise activity thermogenesis, takes into account all of the movements and activities you do outside of workouts and training. This could be anything from tidying your house to walking around the supermarket.
For 30 days, if you really want to speed up fat loss, try to walk at least 10,000 steps every single day. Most calories that you burn will be from your NEAT, even if it’s just getting up from your desk for toilet breaks. Make the most of this and prioritize daily movement outside of your fat loss plan. Your workouts should be used to change body composition, but upping your NEAT will really put that calorie deficit into action.
Most smartphones will have a built in step-tracker, but a fitness watch or heart monitor will be far more accurate. So consider investing in one of these. To increase your steps, swap out that two-minute drive to the local store for a brisk walk. Also, stop asking your housemates to fetch things for you when you’re too lazy to get up and jump up yourself. Lastly, like Cary Grant, always take the stairs.
Up Your Water Intake
Water is liquid gold for the human body, especially when it comes to weight loss. Water cleanses the body of toxins and improves skin, hair, and even mood. Research suggests that increased water levels in the body is also closely linked to faster metabolisms. one- study found that 500 ml of water increased the metabolic rate of both men and women by up to 30 percent directly after consumption.
Water is also extremely satiating and can fill that hunger void when you think you’re craving food. Use this to your advantage and aim to drink two to three liters of water everyday for your 30-day challenge. Start from the moment you get out of bed, up until a few hours before sleep so that your bladder gets a break. Increase your water intake gradually throughout the challenge so that your body can adjust to its new hydration levels.
To help with this part of the challenge, we suggest purchasing a reusable water bottle with measurements on the side. Fill it to the top the night before and start drinking it in the morning. Always keep it with you throughout the day as this won’t only help you stay on track, but it’s also better for the environment than using one-use plastic.
Things To Do Before You Start
So now you know what you need to do every day as part of this 30-day plan to see the most progress. But before we get started, here’s a few things you should do to prepare.
Take “before” Pictures
Before getting started, make sure you photograph your “before” body from all angles. Even if it’s hard to do at the moment, you won’t regret it when you start to see progress.
Pictures allow you to compare your developing composition to your physique at the beginning of a challenge or fitness journey in a way that the scales don’t facilitate. Body weight consists of a number of elements, which includes water weight, muscle mass and even bodily fluids. All these factors fluctuate from day to day, which is why you will be able to confirm fat loss best from what you see on your figure through your photos.
Taking these pictures could also make you more accountable to stick to your goals and not give up on the challenge. Looking back on photos will make you face your reality and remind you why you started in the first place.
Ask Yourself Why You’re Doing This Challenge
Instagram can be a great motivator, but being inspired by displays of unrealistic body expectations is a toxic trap to fall into. Start this journey for yourself and for the greater good of your mental health, not just for what you see in the mirror.
The right intentions will also make you more likely to stay committed to this journey. This plan might be 30 days long, but your fitness journey should be viewed as a lifestyle change, not just a short-term commitment. If you think you’re in it for the wrong reasons, reconsider whether starting a new challenge at this time is best for you. It might even venbe beneficial for you to take a social media break and focus on your wellbeing.
If you’ve previously suffered from an eating disorder or body dysmorphia, consult a health professional before embarking on a new fat loss journey.
Think Ahead
This guide provides you with the framework and the workout plans for 30 days of progress, fat loss and strength building. But it’s your responsibility to ensure that this challenge fits into your schedule.
Switch around the days you need so that your own commitments don’t become a reason to slack on your challenge. Plan ahead and read the guide before starting. The same goes for nutrition. When it comes to meal planning, don’t let your resources be an obstacle. Shop for healthy foods, prep meals, count calories in advance, and make sure you don’t run out of healthy options and end up eating takeout.
Preparation sets you up for success. External influences cannot be blamed for failure when attempting a fitness transformation, as only you are accountable for your success. There’s no time like the present so without further ado, let’s get into it.
30 Day Weight Loss Challenge
You’ve taken your before pictures, bought your two liter water jug and here you are.
Below is your 30 day fat loss challenge which isdesigned to help you start loving fitness and the concept of a better you. So, follow this plan every day and see the results materialize. Let’s begin!
Day 1
- Record your weight on the scale.
Note: Only do this on the first and last day of the challenge to avoid relying on numbers as they’re not always accurate when it comes to showing progress.
- Write out your affirmations and goals in a journal to remind yourself why you want to start this journey.
- Set a realistic weight loss goal:
- in 30 days, you can expect to lose no more than four to six lb. However, this is dependent upon your starting weight and activity levels, but any more weight being lost could be unhealthy or a sign of muscle loss instead.
- Make physique goals based on what you see in the mirror and how you feel strength wise, rather than based on your weight.
Day 2
- Clear out all the junk food from your kitchen cupboards.
- Meal prep for the week ahead.
- Do the full body workout below and repeat three times:
- 10 squats
- 10 burpees
- 10 pushups
- 30 second plank
- 30 seconds sit-ups
- Swap one snack for a protein shake.
Day 3
- Drink one liter of water as soon as you wake up.
- Do some journaling.
- Start a food journal.
Day 4
- Do the full body workout below and repeat three times:
- 15 squats
- 15 burpees
- 15 pushups
- 45 seconds plank
- 45 seconds sit-ups
Day 5
- Repeat the workout above three times.
- Have a salad for lunch.
- Go on a 30 min walk.
Day 6
- Play your favourite sport with friends or try out a new one.
- Tell a friend about your 30 day challenge as his can help keep you accountable.
- Try drinking three liters of water today.
Day 7
- Dedicate an hour to stretching or yoga.
- Read your goals from the beginning of the week and ask yourself what you could do differently to achieve them next week.
- Swap out a snack for a herbal tea or a piece of fruit.
Day 8
- Journal your new goals for the week ahead.
- Do this full body workout and repeat four times:
- 15 squats
- 15 burpees
- 15 pushups
- 45 seconds plank
- 45 seconds sit-ups
- Spend 15 minutes stretching
Day 9
- Do this full body workout and repeat four times:
- 20 squats
- 20 burpees
- 15 pushups
- 45 seconds plank
- 45 seconds mountain climbers
- 45 seconds sit-ups
- Have a protein shake as a post workout snack.
Day 10
- Start your day with one liter of water.
- Go on an hour-long walk.
Day 11
- Do this full body workout and repeat four times:
- 20 squats
- 20 burpees
- 20 pushups
- one-minute plank
- one-minute mountain climbers
- one-minute sit-ups
Day 12
- Go for a one-mile run.
- Swap a healthy snack for a treat of your choice, you’re almost halfway there! But make sure that this treat doesn’t go over your calories.
Day 13
- Practice your favourite or try out a new sport with friends.
- Do something for you.
Day 14
- Start the day with an hour of stretching or yoga.
- Take your midway progression pictures – you’re halfway there!
- Read over your journal notes for the past week. Have you stuck to your plans?
Day 15
- Journal your goals and affirmations for the week ahead.
- Do the full body workout below and repeat four times:
- 20 squats
- 20 burpees
- 20 pushups
- 20 star jumps
- one-minute plank
- one-minute mountain climbers
- one-minute sit-ups
- one-minute plank jacks
Day 16
- Drink one liter of water before you wake up.
- Go on an hour-long walk.
- Swap out a snack for herbal tea.
Day 17
- Wake up an hour early
- Try to drink two liters of water before midday.
- Go on a two-mile run.
Day 18
- Do this full body workout and repeat five times:
- 20 squats
- 20 burpees
- 20 pushups
- 20 star jumps
- one-minute plank
- one-minute mountain climbers
- one-minute sit-ups
- one-minute plank jacks
- Stretch for 30 minutes.
- Have a protein shake for lunch.
Day 19
- Start the day with two liters of water.
- Go on a three-mile run.
- Do 30 minutes of yoga.
Day 20
- Have a smoothie for breakfast.
- Play sports with friends.
- Swap dessert for fruit.
Day 21
- Go on a two-hour walk.
- Journal.
- Go to bed one hour early.
Day 22
- Have a green juice for breakfast.
- Do this full body workout and repeat five times:
- 25 squats
- 25 burpees
- 25 pushups
- 25 star jumps
- 25 high knees
- one-minute plank
- one-minute mountain climbers
- one-minute sit-ups
- one-minute plank jacks
- Have a low carb dinner.
Day 23
- Go on a three-mile run, beat your last time!
- Stretch for 30 minutes.
- Drink three liters of water.
Day 24
- Start the day with a green juice.
- Do this full body workout and repeat five times:
- 25 squats
- 25 burpees
- 25 pushups
- 25 star jumps
- 25 high knees
- one-minute plank
- one-minute mountain climbers
- one-minute sit-ups
- one-minute plank jacks
- Follow this workout with a protein shake.
Day 25
- Drink two liters of water before midday.
- Go on a two-hour walk.
- Don’t stay seated for more than an hour.
- Have a protein shake for breakfast or lunch.
Day 26
- Do this full body workout and repeat four times:
- 30 squats
- 30 burpees
- 30 pushups
- 30 star jumps
- 30 high knees
- two- minute plank
- one-minute mountain climbers
- one-minute sit-ups
- one-minute plank jacks
- Stretch for 30 minutes.
- Drink four liters of water today.
- Have two protein shakes.
Day 27
- Play a sport with friends for more than one hour.
- Have a low carb lunch.
- Have a protein shake for dessert.
Day 28
- Go on a four-mile run.
- Do one hour of yoga.
- Journal.
- Drink two cups of herbal tea.
Day 29
- Start the day with a green juice.
- Do this full body workout and repeat six times:
- 30 squats
- 30 burpees
- 30 pushups
- 30 star jumps
- 30 high knees
- two-minute plank
- one-minute mountain climbers
- one-minute sit-ups
- one-minute plank jacks
- Have two protein shakes.
- Go on an hour-long walk.
Day 30
- Take your final progression pictures and weigh in on the scales!
- Record your progress, tick off your goals and set new ones for the next month!
Congratulations, you’ve finished the challenge! But don’t let this be the end of your fitness journey. Keep progressing and maintaining these healthy habits over the months ahead. Just imagine what you could accomplish in another 30 days of commitment.
Frequently Asked Questions for 30 Day Fat Loss Challenge
Is it possible to lose weight in 30 days?
Weight loss can definitely be achieved in 30 days, with the right mindset and a structured diet and exercise plan. To see weight loss in only one month, follow a 30-day fat loss challenge and don’t divert off your plan. Make sure you are eating clean everyday and make healthy and sustainable swaps from your previous lifestyle.
What is the best way to lose fat in 30 days?
The best way to lose fat in 30 days is to be in a consistent calorie deficit, meaning you make sure you burn more calories than you consume every single day. This can be achieved by eating 500 calories less than your basal metabolic rate, or burning these calories through exercise. The best way to lose fat is through a combination of both of these, so that you’re moving your body and eating below your maintenance diet.
How fast can you lose belly fat?
Fat can’t be spot reduced anywhere on the body, but with the right diet and exercise, you can lose belly fat in a short number of weeks. The fastest way to do this is through a calorie deficit and moving your body every day. Cut out refined sugars and unhealthy snacks to help your calorie deficit on its way.
A Final Word From Energetic Lifestyle
There is a limit to how much fat loss you can achieve in 30 days. But that said, it’s a perfect time span to build healthy habits and begin to change your lifestyle for good. This guide focuses on progression and sustainability, but it’s only a framework. Only you are responsible for the progress you see beyond 30 days, so give it your all and you won’t have to stop after a month.